Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Essay Sample on Reconstruction Policy and the South after the Civil War
Essay Sample on Reconstruction Policy and the South after the Civil War After the civil war, the fundamental task of the Central Government was to adopt a proper policy of reconstruction and re-union with a view to strengthening the American Federation. But due to various reasons, the task was a complex one. The sad assassination of President Lincoln made it amply clear that the fanatics were strongly opposed to a progressive policy. He, indeed, had hated slavery and desired its abolition. But he actually fought for Union and not for the emancipation of the slaves as such. His primary purpose was to protect and preserve the unity of the Federation by thwarting the disintegrating attitude of the South. So, after the end of the civil war, the Primary Task of the new President, Andrew Johnson, was to carry out a generous conciliation as advocated by his predecessor. But the victorious North, mindful of its own loss due to the war, was by no means conciliatory in its attitude towards the South. At least initially, the states of the North were in favor of adopting a policy of retaliation (L. Mukherjee). So, bitter quarrels broke out between the President and Congress which was dominated by the Republicans. As a matter of fact, the party-system of America was, during this time, almost localized and the Republican Party had no strong base in the south. This is also a reason for which it did not, initially, take much care for the interests of the South. The Reconstruction Act of 1867-68 provided that the Southern states should be treated as the conquered provinces to be administered by the military Governors and were to be readmitted to the Federation after they ratified the fourteenth amendment of the constitution. As some of the states withheld such ratification, the Congress proceeded to subject the South to Negro-rule under military protection. Naturally, the Negroes took the advantage of this provision and the reign of ââ¬ËBlack Terrorââ¬â¢ came into being. But gradually, a basic change ushered in primarily due to political and constitutional measures. Politically, the Southern states came to realize that the Federation was indestructible and any such attempt to break it would surely end in vain. The Federation was protected and it was taught to all that the units of and nobody, however mighty and powerful, had the right to break it up. The civil war also established the fact that the Center, though dominated by the Northern states, was, for ensuring Federal unity entitled to adopt strict military measures. Such realization slowly infused in the South the idea of national unity and solidarity. Similarly, the Northern states rectified their earlier stand and accepted the Southern states as the integral part of the Federation. In this way the South were brought back into the Union and the rebels were taught to be loyal citizens. Of course, the party-system also helped much in the growth of such unity. Gradually the Republican Party expanded its organizations in the South and the, eventually, it too acted as a unifying force. Constitutionally, too, the process was towards unification. As O.P Goyal observes, ââ¬Å"The 13th (1865), 14th (1868) and 15th (1870) amendments grew out of the civil warâ⬠(Goyal). The 13th amendment abolished slavery which so long appeared as a bone of content between the South and the North. The 14th amendment defined citizenship and forbade states to deprive persons of life, liberty and property ââ¬Å"without due process of lawâ⬠. The abolishment of the institution of slavery has brought about the emancipation of billions of people who had so long forced to remain as the casualties of modern civilization. The Negroes, who had suffered much due to racial hatred, were now placed in power and position. In this way the people of the North and South were brought in a state of equality. The 15th amendment forbade the Governments, both central and provincial, from abridging the right to vote because of race, color, residence or other previous conditions of servitude. Thus th e concept of equality and liberty was upheld through the constitution and, naturally, the vast majority of the Southern people who so long nurtured a grudge against the center, became loyal and submissive. The republic was, however, strengthened by the civil war. America emerged out of it with a new spirit, hope and vigor. It now adopted a bold policy ââ¬â France was forced to withdraw its army from Mexico and Britain was persuaded to compensate for the American loss in the Alabama issue. This political factor had its influence on the economic side too. The Center, still dominated by the North, showed a practical sense in this matter. The Government adopted a policy which encouraged rapid industrialization and this scheme largely helped the South to proceed towards prosperity. As stated earlier, the slave-dependent society of the South now became much more rational in their approach and concentrated on the system of rational industrialization. Due to the abolition of the slave-system, and the new spirit of industrialization, they broke up the big estates and invested in the industrialization process. Thus an economy of cotton-cultivation gave way to the industrial revolution. They now manufactured their own goods and the spread of railways expanded their markets and also united them with the North. In the place of localism, a new feeling of solidarity and community of interests grew up. In this way the North and the South united together and formed a strong Federation . Rapid industrialization not only improved the living standard of the South, but also ensured a regional balance in the economy. This is a sample History essay written from scratch by one of our academic writers. If you want to order a custom essay, term paper, research paper, thesis/dissertation or other written assignment on any topic contact our company to get professional academic writing help.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Diferencias entre asilo polÃÂtico y refugiado
Diferencias entre asilo polà tico y refugiado Los casos de refugiados y de asilados polà ticos tienen las mismas causas,sin embargo, la tramitacià ³n del reconocimiento de ambos estatus es muy diferente, por lo que es importante distinguirlas. En la actualidad, ms latinoamericanos obtienen la aprobacià ³n de estatus de asilado que de refugiado. El Salvador es el à ºnico paà s de la regià ³n cuyos nacionales sacan ambos estatus ââ¬âasilado y refugiadoââ¬â en nà ºmeros relevantes. Quià ©nes pueden solicitar ser refugiado o pedir asilo polà tico en EE.UU. Parte de la confusià ³n entre estos dos estatus nace del hecho de que tanto con el asilo como con la figura del refugiado se protege a la misma clase de personas. Es decir, a los personas que no pueden o no quieren regresar a su paà s de origen porque han sido perseguidas o tienen razones fundadas de llegar a serlo por cualquiera de las razones siguientes: RazaReligià ³nNacionalidadMembresà a de un grupo social (como por ejemplo gays, lesbianas o transexuales)Opinià ³n polà ticaPor haber sido obligados a ser esterilizados o a abortar. O sufrir persecucià ³n por haberse negado. Diferencias en pedir asilo y condicià ³n de refugiado Una de las principales es el lugar en el que se encuentra la persona que sufre persecucià ³n. Para solicitar el estatus de refugiado es obligatorio encontrarse fuera de Estados Unidos. Adems, el solicitante estar fuera de su paà s. A este à ºltimo requisito hay excepciones muy limitadas y establecidas expresamente por el Presidente de Estados Unidos. En la actualidad sà ³lo pueden solicitar el estatus de refugiado desde dentro de su propio paà s los cubanos, los ciudadanos de paà ses que formaron parte de la Unià ³n Sovià ©tica e Irak. Son circunstancias muy excepcionales y en inglà ©s son denominadas in-country processing. Los candidatos al estatus de refugiado son procesados en una primera fase por uno de los 9 Centros de Apoyo a la Reubicacià ³n (RSC, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), que tiene Estados Unidos en diferentes puntos del planeta. La mayorà a de ellos han llegado a un RSC porque han sido remitidos por el Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados, una Embajada de los Estados Unidos o una organizacià ³n no gubernamental. Otros llegan porque forman parte de un grupo calificado de especial preocupacià ³n humanitaria y, finalmente, los casos de reunificacià ³n familiar. Cuando toda la informacià ³n es recabada sobre el candidato, la misma se envà a al USCIS a Estados Unidos, que es quien debe aprobar la solicitud. El à ºltimo paso corre a cargo de una agencia de reubicacià ³n en EE.UU. que ser la encargada de apoyar al refugiado cuando se le autorice a viajar. Por el contrario, el asilo se solicita o bien en un puerto de entrada nada ms llegar (aeropuerto, puerto marà timo o frontera terrestre) ante un oficial de inmigracià ³n,(CBP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), o bien ya una vez dentro de Estados Unidos. En este à ºltimo caso la peticià ³n debe presentarse dentro del aà ±o siguiente a haber llegado al paà s. A esta regla de los 365 dà as se admiten excepciones muy raramente cuando las circunstancias en el paà s de origen cambian dramticamente. Cabe destacar que algunos migrantes presentes en EE.UU. con TPS podrà an calificar para solicitar asilo porque en el caso de esta proteccià ³n especial el calendario de 1 aà ±o se considera congelado en la fecha en la que se le aprobà ³ el TPS por primera vez. à ¿Cuntos refugiados y asilados admite EE.UU.? En el aà ±o fiscal 2018, EE.UU. admitià ³ un total de 22.491 refugiados. Los 10 paà ses con mayor nà ºmero de refugiados fueron: Congo (8.883)Myanmar (3.555)Ucrania (2,635)Butn (2,228)Eritrea (1,269)Afganistn (805)El Salvador (739)Paquistn (441)Rusia (437)Etiopà a (376) Para el aà ±o fiscal 2019 el presidente Donald Trump ha fijado en 30.000 el nà ºmero mximo de refugiados que pueden ingresar al paà s. Los à ºltimos datos disponibles sobre asilo son el aà ±o fiscal 2016, segà ºn los cuales se aprobaron 20.458 estatus de asilo polà tico de los que 11.729 fueron asilos afirmativos, es decir, solicitudes aprobadas por USCIS. En 8.726 casos fueron asilos defensivos, es decir, aprobados por las cortes de inmigracià ³n o el Tribunal de Apelaciones migratorias (BIA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Los paà ses con mayor nà ºmero de casos aprobados fueron: China: 4.500El Salvador: 2.148Guatemala: 1.943Honduras: 1.513Mà ©xico: 920 En la actualidad hay ms de 733.000 solicitudes de asilo pendientes, estimndose en 721 dà as la media de espera para la vista (hearing, en inglà ©s). Informacià ³n para los trmites de asilo En los casos de asilo se estima que los solicitantes pierden en el 90 por ciento de las veces en las que no estn representados por un abogado. Por lo tanto, es extremadamente importante contar con uno con experiencia y buena reputacià ³n. La AILA es la organizacià ³n de EE.UU. sobre abogados migratorios y en su base de datos se pueden encontrar letrados por lugar y por tipo de especialidad migratoria. Adems, numerosas organizaciones de apoyo a migrantes brindan ayuda o referencia a buenos abogados. Se recomienda tomar este test de respuestas mà ºltiples sobre asilo para familiarizarse sobre los puntos principales de este estatus. Puntos Clave: diferencias entre asilo polà tico y condicià ³n de refugiado Causas de asilo y condicià ³n de refugiado: haber sido perseguido o tener razones fundadas de que si el solicitante regresa a su paà s ser perseguido por su raza, opinià ³n polà tica, religià ³n, pertenencia a un grupo social o nacionalidad o por razones de esterilizacià ³n o aborto forzado.à ¿Dà ³nde se pide la condicià ³n de refugiado?: fuera de EE.UU. El trmite lo inicia un RSC, en la mayorà a de los casos el solicitante ha sido remitido por el Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados.à ¿Dà ³nde se solicita asilo polà tico?: en la frontera de EE.UU. o en el interior del paà s, dentro del plazo de un aà ±o a contar desde el dà a del ingreso, salvo circunstancias especiales.Nà ºmero de refugiados admitido por EE.UU. en 2018: 22.491. Para el 2019 el presidente Trump ha establecido una cifra mxima de 30.000Nà ºmero de asilos aprobados: 20.455 (segà ºn à ºltimos datos publicados oficialmente, que son del aà ±o fiscal 2016) Este artà culo es informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
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